I'm The Follow Up Man

A Business Follow Up Specialist

The Follow Up Man - Who am I?

What do I do?

I specialize in working with local businesses, such as home services providers, and professional services firms.

I help them Follow Up with current and past customers to get them to come back and buy again and again. It is 44% less expensive in time, money and effort, to bring back a past customer than it is to nurture and convince a prospect to buy from you.

I also set up and execute Follow Up strategies to attract new customers. For example, most sales people and business owners only reach out to a prospect once to twice. But over 80% of all sales occur after the 5th contact.

And as we go into a recession, it is going to take between 7 and 30 contacts before your prospect knows you, trusts you, understands what you do and is ready to buy your products and services.

The results you will see are more sales, more referrals, more 5-Star reviews and more great testimonials.

Six ways to Follow Up with clients and customers.

✅ Use a variety of methods - email, direct mail, social media, text messages, phone calls.

✅ Say "Thank You" after the sale. Make sure they know you are grateful for their business.

✅ Provide additional value with each step - offer advice, create a community, solve a problem.

✅ Ask for referrals, a review or a testimonial - these are the lifeblood of any business.

✅ Use automation - easier and more consistent, but also be strategic, have trackable goals.

✅ Know when to stop - the "Rule of 7" - every 7 days but also realize that no response is telling.

Let's chat.